It has been a LONG time since I did my last rose review. I have to admit that it feels dreadful at times to prepare a blog post although I really enjoy sharing them with you. Resizing photos, doing in-depth review, and preparing each blog post take a long time to do especially when I want to make it very informative/helpful for people wanting to grow roses in Houston.

A few years ago, I was desparately searching for this kind of info, but couldn't find people around Houston sharing, especially on the varieties tha I wanted to grow. So here I am sharing what I have and know.
The good thing is - roses have more time to grow while I have more time to observe. If you recall, my intent is to wait until at least one year to evaluate and share my thoughts on roses. Judging them too early won't be fair. Each year, I'll try to do an update on the ones previously reviewed so you can see the comparison from year 1, year 2 and year 3.

These are the list of roses that I'll be reviewing and sharing in the weeks or months to come (not in this particular order, it will be by age. Some roses will be almost 3 and some will be a min of 1 year):
Desdomona (David Austin)
Mary Rose (David Austin)
Gentle Hermoine (David Austin)
Bathsheba (David Austin)
Shropshire Lad (David Austin)
Roald Dahl (David Austin)
Spirit of Freedom (David Austin)
Alnwick (David Austin)
Evelyn (David Austin)
Silas Marner (David Austin)
Eustacia Vye (David Austin)
Celestial Night
Sparkle & Shine
Red Eden
Lady of the Mist
Love Song
Violet Pride
Wicked Sister
Bliss Parfuma
Moonlight in Paris
Sombruil climing rose
Raspberry Cream Twirl
Crazy Love
Earth Angel
Double Easy Orange
Pink Peace
Belinda Blush
Cathedral Bells
Princess Charlene de Monaco
All Dressed Up
Fun in the Sun
Hot Cocoa
Tequila Supreme
True Passion
Cream Veranda (bought 6/9/23)
Cappucino (Grace Rose Farm Exclusive)
Gentle Trendsetter (Grace Rose Farm Exclusive)
Mansfield Park (Grace Rose Farm Exclusive)
Unforgettable (Grace Rose Farm Exclusive
Geoff Hamilton (spring 2024)
William Morris (spring 2024)
That's all I can remember, if something was missing, I'll add when I realize which ones I forgot. I honestly lost count what I have. I mean who keeps track when you have fun growing them?? You can also see reviews of other roses on the blog.
Stay tuned and have fun growing.