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Munstead Wood 2022

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

This post is brought to you by Sumera Suleman, our rose friend over at our Growing Roses in Houston Texas Facebook group. Mundstead Wood is a popular, fragrant, and beautiful deep red rose by David Austin roses. Many people are wondering how this DA beauty performs in our Houston area. Let's find out from Sumera's experience in the past 4 years with Mundstead Wood in her garden.

How long have you had this rose?

4 years

Ownroot or grafted?


What part of Houston?

SW Houston

How do you grow this rose? Pot or ground? If in a pot, what's its width/depth?

In the ground

How much sun does it normally get on average? Morning sun? Afternoon sun? All day?

All day

If insecticide and fungicide are being used, what brands and how often do you apply?

My garden has been no spray all last year. I only used Bonide horticultural dormant oil once in January.

How is its disease and pest resistance?

Disease resistance has improved immensely as it has aged. After year 2, I did not battle black spot. Thrips do not cause this rose any issues. The only problem I have seen is spider mites, but no rose is resistant to that.

How long do flowers last? How's fragrance? Low or crazy amount of thorns?

Flowers last 4-5 days on the plant in cooler weather, and about 3-4 days inside a vase. The flowers can drop sooner during the heat of the summer.

The thorns are excessive on newer plants. And since the plant grows wide, those thorns can be pesky. But as the plant ages, the thicker canes have grown higher off the ground with blooms on long stems. Those long stems do not have crazy thorns.

The fragrance is one of the best old rose scent.

Does it bloom frequently in our summer months? Any other observation you want to include for this rose?

Yes, it blooms consistently through the summer. I have noticed that if it receives ample water, it can repeat very frequently.

What is its current size?

4ft tall and 4 1/2 feet wide (trimming after each flush to keep it at this size)

If you're interested in a red climber, check out Florentina climbing rose shared by our rose friend as well.

Information and photos kindly provided by

Sumera Suleman

Disclaimer: information shared on this website and blog comes from our FB members. We are not rose experts, we are people like you who love roses and enjoy growing them at home.


Are you new to roses or want to know my tips on how I care for my roses all year round to get abundant blooms? Check out Blooming with Joy monthly subscription here.

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Blake Huizinga
Blake Huizinga
Jan 25, 2022

Thanks for the great review. You covered most everything that would be pertinent to growing this rose. The only thing I can think of that might be useful is knowing if the rose is grown as an own root plant or a grafted plant. That can certainly have an impact on size. But even without that information, the rest of the interview is extremely helpful to those of us growing roses here in the Houston area.

Jan 25, 2022
Replying to

Hi Blake: Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I was thinking about that ownroot/grafted question after doing these first round of interviews and planning on adding to the future ones if the owners know. In my own rose info posts, I include that info as well.

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